Paper Trail: Environments
Melissa Cormier, Laura Demers, Julia Martin & Jim Reid
January 12 – February 22, 2019
Join us for the Opening Reception: Saturday, January 12, from 2 – 5pm
Discover a compelling selection of contemporary works on paper by Melissa Cormier, Laura Demers, Julia Martin, and Jim Reid. Showcasing drawing, painting, screen-printing, and photography, this exhibition draws inspiration from the landscape. Natural forms and phenomena become a catalyst for deeper artistic explorations and responses that consider the impact of human mediation on the environment.
Jim Reid‘s expressive
Melissa Cormier‘s intricate graphite drawings inspired by organic motifs and textures create surrealist compositions that intentionally reference the body. Cormier explores different textures from natural specimens: both flora and fauna. Rendered with fine precision and detail, her graphite drawings materialize on the page like a lucid dream. Laura Demers‘s new series of screen prints explore formal and conceptual connections between natural ecosystems and built environments. Abstracted paper models inspired by architectural drawings, and clay renderings of seashells are the starting point for Demers’s studies. She deconstructs and arranges these objects, like natural specimens, to visually map reoccurring patterns found both in shells and in architectural forms. What emerge are organic, circuitous, almost whimsical forms, which become blue prints for conceiving of the ways we shelter ourselves.
Wednesdays - Saturday
11am - 5pm
or, by Appointment