October 22 – November 29, 2022
Opening Reception: Saturday, October 29, 2-4pm
Lonsdale gallery is pleased to present Joan Kaufman’s latest body of work Forest Diaries. The exhibition weaves together memory, fiction and mythology. The four part series offers a haunting meditation on our esoteric relationship with nature.

Joan Kaufman, Forest Diaries, Exhibition View
Main Gallery, Londale Gallery
Forest Diaries is four part series comprised of suites of drawings, shown alongside photo-based work, chronicling embodied experiences from time spent in the forest. Kaufman highlights the ways we interfere and transform nature, rooted in fundamental questions concerning the trajectory we are on towards a post nature landscape and existence. Working exclusively in black and white, Kaufman seeks to offer a visual commentary on our tense, often contradictory relationship, with the natural environment.
Kaufman’s original drawings offer the viewer a provocative reminiscence exploring human intervention onto the natural world. In Weather Report, a suite of 20 drawings, combines landscapes with the human body to explore questions of climate anxiety. Kaufman intervenes onto her drawings with asemic text and signs, designed to disrupt the compositions in order to share a warning message about climate change.Â

Joan Kaufman, Weather Report, 2022
Installation View

Weather Report
charcoal & acrylic drawings on Fabriano watercolour paper
22 x 15 inches (each)
Full Suite (20 Drawings)
$19,500 (unframed) / $23,900 (framed)
Single Drawing
$950 (unframed) / $1,450 (framed)

Joan Kaufman, Forest Diaries, Exhibition View
Main Gallery, Londale Gallery
Kaufman’s photo-based series engages with symbolism and mythology to echo the themes explored in her drawings. Traces, 8 photo-based works, layers images of human body with an ancient tree trunk covered in nails. Kaufman overlay the surface of the tree ensconced in nails onto the bodies of the figures, calling to mind a form of scarification or stigmata. What emerges is transcendent macabre hybrid image that critiques the purposeful harm of the natural environment by humanity. Kaufman’s Ghost Forest photographs seek to capture the auspicious qualities of the woodlands. Her Black and white images seek to capture the duality of nature: serene and chaotic, fragile and fecund.





Joan Kaufman, Forest Diaries, Exhibition View
Main Gallery, Londale Gallery





Joan Kaufman, Feild Notes, 2021
Installation View
Field Notes, a suite of 21 drawings of tree forms in various states of being: some dynamic, some vulnerable, and some in states of hybridization. Linked thematically and arranged into a large tapestry, Kaufman reveals a compelling portrait of perseverance and continuity of landscape, even in the face of social, industrial and environmental turbulence

Field Notes
acrylic drawings on Fabriano watercolour paper
15 x 11 inches (each)
Full Suite (21 Drawings)
$14,700 (unframed) / $20,500 (framed)
Single Drawing
$700 (unframed) / $1050 (framed)

Joan Kaufman, Forest Diaries, Exhibition View
Main Gallery, Londale Gallery