FEBRUARY 7-29, 2004

Lonsdale Gallery is pleased to present a new body of work entitled “Album” by Danish artist Carina Johnsen. Album consists of 36 collected vintage photographs from the 1800’s to the early 1900’s. Found at flea markets and antique stores, the aged work which is faded and stained renders a powerful visual nostalgia. Johnsen has digitally manipulated this work into an enticing exhibition of large-scale photographic work.

Examining the notion of identity in relation to death and loss, a continuous theme in Johnsen’s work, Album poses universal questions of who we are and where we come from; it reminds us that life is in the now.

This exhibition is an examination of the photographic medium through time. It juxtaposes and bridges the ever-widening space between pure analog and digital construction: these images, marked by time, are a representation of life from long ago assimilated with modern technologies, producing a photograph that is both past and present. Through experimentations with digital manipulation, enlargement of scale and rendering of imagery, Johnsen alters the photograph’s original context producing a new identity beautifully ethereal in nature.

Carina Johnsen