M’Liz Keefe

About the Artist
M’Liz Keefe is an American artist, currently living and working in Fogo Island, the most northern island off the coast of Newfoundland. Keefe’s seascapes absorb and engulf the viewer. When regarding the pieces, you can feel the movement of the water. For the artist, the Atlantic Ocean is a potent source of creative inspiration. The Ocean itself, without reference to land or human, is infinite in depth. As far as the eye can see the horizon, or what is just beyond the hazy, foggy horizon, is the sought-after place of the traveler. Imagined to possess everything one is looking for, to feed oneself, to shelter oneself, save oneself, the greater inherent human need moves to seek coexistence and connect with ‘otherness’ even in a place devoid of apparent salvation. This search takes the place of the physical needs of finding comfort just over the horizon. It is the traveler’s very sense of being alone, in nowhere, that the harsh realization of acceptance of being in nothing, turns into precious moments of revelatory beauty and exquisite recognition, of profound unity and harmony.

M’Liz Keefe
After Storm
oil and wax on canvas
46 × 46 inches

M’Liz Keefe
Davy’s Grey Ocean
oil and wax on canvas
46 × 46 inches

M’Liz Keefe
Ocean with Clouds
oil and wax on canvas
46 × 46 inches

M’Liz Keefe
Blue Ocean with Clouds
oil and wax on canvas
46 × 46 inches
Wednesdays - Saturday
11am - 5pm
or, by Appointment